Traffic Law
Covering all Courts in Sydney and beyond, Maspero Legal have 27+ years experience and will fight hard to protect your licence and reduce the damage to it. In some cases we may be able to have your charges dismissed all together.
If you have been charged with a traffic offence no matter how large or small – give us a call because traffic law in NSW is complicated with repeat offending taken very seriously. Obtaining legal advice can often be the difference between losing or keeping your licence with defences available for certain offences.
- Speeding
- Red light camera offences
- Reckless or dangerous driving
- Drink driving
- Negligent or reckless driving
- Unlicensed driving
- Street racing
- Licence appeals
In NSW full licence holders have 13 points, Professional Drivers 14 and p2 learners 7 and you would be surprised how quickly one can accumulate demerit points especially if they drive for work.
The court has a broad discretionary power in determining how to penalise a traffic offender – with penalties ranging from small fines to lengthy licence loss periods and severe fines. A Court may take into account your character and driving record in determining any appropriate penalty and we may under certain circumstances be able to ask a Magistrate for a section 10. A Section 10 can mean the fine and demerit points you received are quashed. Furthermore, if you are charged with multiple offences, we may be able to negotiate facts or “plea bargain” directly with the Prosecutor
Maspero Legal have over 27 + years experience in traffic and criminal law and have successfully represented hundreds of clients. We have an excellent track record and will work hard to minimise damage to your licence.
If you have been issued with a traffic infringement or police have charged you with a traffic offence, contact us immediately to discuss your options.
Call us now on 8052 3322 – we are here to protect your freedom.
For Easy, Convenient & Flexible Legal Solutions
Neutral Bay Office
- LocationL1/1401 Botany Rd, Botany
NSW 2019 - Phone02 8052 3322